The series on this website are active and still evolving. Each collection has unique properties, but themes and motifs overlap and appear across all three. Intial visual conception begins with digital ink drawings, then is further explored in acrylic paintings.


Radiant hope…haunted horizons

A towering shadow, both menacing and terrible, hangs like a dream smeared shroud. It drifts hazily, floating over a reassuring aroma of fresh-mown lawns and household cleaning products. Families of neck-tied men, cotton dress women and bright, curious children populate suburban scenes. Here we see figures and signs, actions and reactions; the ancient drama of human society, striving for a perfect world, while intrinsically engulfed in the inky ring of an apocalyptic death-cult.


A fallen world of ash and pale memory

In a world as monstrous as it is mysterious, the ghostly remains of past civilizations haunt the dark, shadowy recesses of modern human society—actors in an archaic play, their countenance a dark veneer of mythical masks. Ancient landscapes populated by looming and broken statues of abandoned gods set the scene while unidentified objects circle the skies. What emerges is an eerie caricature of human absurdity manifest by a death wish.


Beaten and peaceful visions of an aftermath

While living in the city and studying painting at the San Francisco Art Institute, the artist fell under the spell of the Bay Area Figurative Movement. A series of paintings emerged informed by the unique rolling architecture and crisp ocean air of San Francisco. This series, takes as its subject, the iconic Victoriran row houses and time-worn shops as desolote, devoid of human life…existing in a poetic, decaying, scraped, scarred—hollowed out dream stage. Just as the artist encountered it while walking the midnight streets of his Nob Hill neigborhood.