Trouble In Utopia

Radiant hope…haunted horizons

A towering shadow, both menacing and terrible, hangs like a dream smeared shroud. It drifts hazily, floating over a reassuring aroma of fresh-mown lawns and household cleaning products. Families of neck-tied men, cotton dress women and bright, curious children populate suburban scenes. Here we see figures and signs, actions and reactions; the ancient drama of human society, striving for a perfect world, while intrinsically engulfed in the inky ring of an apocalyptic death-cult.

The Night We Called It A Day | Digital Ink


No Mans Land | Digital Ink

Sunken Treasure | Digital Ink


Watchers Of The Living | Digital Ink

Stormy Weather | Digital Ink


Since I Fell For You | Digital Ink

Solitude | Digital Ink


You Belong To Me | Digital Ink

The Missing Day | Digital Ink


I Surrender | Digital Ink

It’s Magic | Digital Ink


Tomorrow's World | Digital Ink

All Your Secrets | Digital Ink


Dream Talk | Digital Ink

Figure In The Moonlight | Digital Ink


If It’s True | Digital Ink

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