In a world as monstrous as it is mysterious, the ghostly remains of past civilizations haunt the dark, shadowy recesses of modern human society—actors in an archaic play, their countenance a dark veneer of mythical masks. Ancient landscapes populated by looming and broken statues of abandoned gods set the scene while unidentified objects circle the skies. What emerges is an eerie caricature of human absurdity manifest by a death wish.
A Phantom Yesterday | Digital Ink
The Outsider | Digital Ink
The Seen And The Unseen | Digital Ink
Lost Coast | Digital Ink
Why Can’t I Be You? | Digital Ink
Long Gone Blues | Digital Ink
The Very Thought Of You | Digital Ink
Carry The Zero | Digital Ink
It Has To Be You | Digital Ink
The Day Has Come | Digital Ink
You Bet Your Life | Digital Ink
Around The Sun | Digital Ink
Double-Take | Digital Ink
Anything Goes | Digital Ink
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